I'm Anna I´m an illustrator and art educator.
I would like to invite you to my little space, a space where I can share with you my ideas and passions.
My Story
I was born in Poland, where I studied fine art, therapy with art and music, but I can still vividly remember that art and music have captivated me since early childhood.
After completing my master´s degree, I moved to London, where I spent an important part of my life. I worked there in my tiny home based studio, but also in Arthouse, a charming gallery and art store, where I could share not only my passion for creation, but also my art works, particularly bird illustrations, with real nature lovers. England was definitely place where my true love for nature began to grow.
Currently, I live together with my family and create in my studio Little Arthouse in Valladolid, Spain, I also work as an art educator with a wonderful group of creative children and adults.
I use my favourite techniques like ink, watercolour, coloured pencils, watercolour pencils, oils and digital drawing. But I really like to follow the flow with whatever medium feels appropriate for a particular project.
My love for art, nature, music and life have encouraged me to continuously observe and seek out new inspiration, special moments, colours, texture, sounds, feelings and connections to a wider world.
I illustrate mostly Wildlife- birds, plants, sea life, trees but also the study of the human body, human personality and portraits of people who have inspired me. I choose to spend some time getting to know and observe the topic, whether it's a bird ,an insect, person, a plant or an animal. I am not concerned with exact interpretations of the subject, but rather respond to what I see in the moment. I like to focus on small details that will help me in capturing the character, let my eyes be drawn to what attracts me and calls my attention.
Albert Einstein once said that ´if we look into nature we will understand everything better´.
“If you learn to draw something then you also learn to see it.” Sir Roger Scruton
Observing and illustrating is for me a way of understanding the world better.
I hope you enjoy my work!​​​​​​